Liam H Dempsey (Spocklight podcast) and Chris Johnston (Easy Riders Raging Podcast, The Spielberg pod) return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Liam’s choice Jack Reacher.

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Jack Reacher is the 2012 action thriller based on Lee Child’s novel One Shot starring Tom Cruise as Reacher and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Jai Courtney, Robert Duvall and Werner Herzog also star.

A former US Army sniper James Barr is accused of killing five seemingly random people in broad daylight. Evidence would indicate a clear cut case but under interrogation Barr writes “Get Jack Reacher” and it becomes apparent all is not what it would seem.

Highlights of Jack Reacher are undoubtedly Werner Herzog’s Zek, who manages to steal every scene he is in and has the best lines “I chewed these fingers off before the frostbite could turn to gangrene.” The action is fairly solid but doesn’t quite hit the same as the Cruise – McQuarrie Mission Impossibles.

Scores for Jack Reacher were firmly in the threes, not great but not bad, regardless of whether Cruise was too short to play Reacher and it scores a very solid 3.25 overall.


Episode #259 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #259 Crew of Liam H Dempsey​ (@LiamHDempsey) and Chris Johnston (@spocklightpod)

More about Jack Reacher

For more info on Jack Reacher, you can visit Jack Reacher IMDb page here or Jack Reacher Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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